Implant-supported dentures & all-on-4

Why Do I Need It?
Implant Dentures

What You Should Know

Implant-supported dentures are a type of denture that uses dental implants to secure the denture in place and provide additional stability. Unlike traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures do not rely on suction or adhesives to stay in place. Instead, they use two or more implants placed into the jawbone to act as anchors for the prosthetic teeth. This helps keep them firmly in place and prevents them from shifting when speaking, laughing, eating and drinking – making it easier for you to enjoy all your favorite foods without worrying about your teeth slipping out of place. Implant-supported dentures also offer improved chewing and speaking abilities compared to conventional removable dentures, so you can feel confident knowing that your new teeth look and feel natural. With proper care, implant-supported dentures can last a lifetime and make it easier to maintain good oral health with improved stability and comfort.

Traditional dentures frequently cause additional difficulties, such as soreness, instability, and insecurity. 

Several teeth can be replaced at once with an overdenture by using an implant-supported denture. Implant-supported dentures may be advised if you’ve lost the majority of your teeth. 

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures are a type of dentures that are attached to implants that have been surgically placed into the jawbone. The implants provide more stability and support for the dentures, allowing them to fit more securely in place than traditional dentures.

Implant-supported dentures also allow for better chewing ability, making them a popular choice for people who want to maintain their quality of life. Additionally, the added support of implants has been shown to help preserve the jawbone over time, helping patients retain a more youthful facial structure and preventing further tooth loss or shifting of teeth.

Why Choose Implant Dentures?

  • Full-arch replacements for missing teeth that look natural and take the worry out of the possibility of denture movement when eating and speaking
  • Dental implants halt the loss of jawbone
  • Further assurance for people who wear dentures
  • No dietary limitations
  • Less jawbone density is needed than with single-crown implants
  • Full customization and premium materials are used to construct dentures
  • Dentures can be removed for cleaning but locked firmly in place

Other Options: All-on-4

All-on-4 teeth are inserted into the mouth permanently and supported entirely by implants. All-on-4 is not detachable and never taken out of the mouth for eating, brushing teeth, or any other activity.

Accordion Content

You may have heard of the popular implant denture technique known as All-on-4. In order to anchor one full-arch denture, this method uses four carefully placed dental implants in the upper or lower jawbone.

Two dental implants are typically positioned at the front of the mouth, while the other two are angled to the back.

Individuals who are good candidates for All-on-4 treatment typically have most or all of their teeth missing in either the upper, lower, or both jaws. Additional factors that come into consideration include the patient’s overall health condition and lifestyle habits. All-on-4 can be beneficial for patients who have limited bone volume, as the implant posts are designed to maximize available space and provide maximum stability.

All-on-4 treatment has several advantages for patients over traditional dentures. The implants provide increased stability, allowing individuals to enjoy better chewing ability and improved overall function. Additionally, All-on-4 requires shorter treatment times than other implant placement methods and is often less expensive in the long run.

Major Benefits Of Implant-Supported Dentures

For individuals with missing teeth, implant-supported dentures have long been acclaimed as a successful, natural-looking solution (those who have lost all their teeth).

These unique devices can be used to replace teeth on the top and bottom of the mouth and are made to attach directly to carefully positioned dental implant posts.

Compared to conventional dentures, implant-supported dentures not only feel and look more natural but are also easier to maintain. They restore your smile and shield your jawbone from damage that conventional dentures might cause.

  • Traditional dentures damage gums by resting on them. Implant-supported dentures don’t wear down soft tissue because they’re fastened above the gum line.
  • They stimulate the jawbone continuously, preventing further bone loss, and may even aid in jaw bone regeneration.
  • As we age and lose teeth, we can’t enjoy our favorite meals. Hunger also affects our overall health.
  • Your smile can reveal a lot about you, yet over time, our teeth start to shift and our features change.
  • When people lose teeth, they stop smiling because they are self-conscious. Implant-supported dentures can increase your confidence, appearance, and happiness.
  • They help digestion by restoring the correct chewing of the food. In addition to aiding in chewing, the teeth also support the jaw and lengthen the face. Without them, we risk losing our unique facial features.
  • A denture that is supported by implants looks more realistic and even improves the way your teeth work after you acquire one.
  • These dentures are anchored to the implants and don’t even move as you chew your food, unlike ordinary dentures that rest on your gums and wear them down.
  • Don’t worry about slippage because the dentures are supported by implants rather than your gums. You may confidently chew food without worrying that you’ll knock your teeth out of place.
The All-on-4 treatment concept is a cost-efficient solution that provides patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the day of surgery

You can call our office for more information about All-on-4 and full mouth implant rehabilitation or schedule an appointment with Dr. Heravi.